The Best Approach to Intention Setting -If you want to set intentions for the new year, you might wonder how to do it. Setting intentions is a great way to focus your energy and attention on what you want to achieve, but it can be tricky to know where to start. One effective approach is…
Category: Intention
What Does It Mean to Set An Intention?
Is there a mystery to living a meaningful life? What Does it Mean to Set an Intention? Living and setting Intentions for a life you want means living in abundance and being your authentic self. Within, you fulfill your wants and desires in a self-serving way. Creating an Intention is more about being the self…
Live An Amazing Life Living With Intention
Want to live an amazing life? It’s simple, really. Just start living with intention. Decide what you want out of life, and then take steps to make it happen. It sounds easy enough, but so many people go through life without real purpose. They drift along, reacting to whatever life throws their way. But living…
How to Set an Intention and Make It Stick
Are you constantly trying to set goals for yourself and find yourself struggling to stick with them? Have you ever found it difficult to stay focused on the things that matter most to you or become overwhelmed by all the choices available in your life? If so, setting an intention can be the key to…
Surround Yourself With People Who Lift You Up
Did you know that life is happier and balanced if you surround yourself with people who lift you up, love, support and care about you? One of the most critical ingredients to happiness comes from the people who surround you daily. Envision yourself looking down from the cosmos to our planet earth and imagine people…
We All Are In This Together
The intention behind the saying “We all are in this together” is to remember that we are all connected. We may come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs, but there is a common thread that binds us all together as human beings. In times of struggle or hardship, isolating ourselves and forgetting about the…
How To Set An Intention With A Candle Today
When you set an intention, you send a message to the universe about what you want. This can be done with a simple candle-burning ritual. Light your candle, and take a moment to focus on your intention. Visualize what you want to achieve, and feel the feeling of having it already in your life. As…
How To Live Your Best Life Setting Intentions
We all want to live our best life, but sometimes it’s hard to know how to go about it. A great way to set yourself up for success is by setting intentions. Intentions help you stay focused and motivated, and they can be a great tool for goal setting. Here are a few tips on…
How To Set Intentions With Crystals
Setting intentions with crystals is a great way to feel better and improve your life. But how do you go about it? First, it’s important to understand what an intention is. An intention is a focused goal or desire that you want to manifest in your life. It can be something as simple as wanting…
How To Set An Intention To Change Your Life
How To Set An Intention To Change Your Life – Intention setting is a practice that can help change your life for the better. By taking the time to set an intention each day, you can focus your energy on what you want to achieve. This means feeling better about yourself and improving your spirituality…