Live With Intention – Intention Calendar – What is an Intention? An intention is a goal or desire that you hold in your mind with the purpose of manifesting what you want in your life. It can be something as simple as wanting to feel more love and joy or something more specific, like wanting to a new job. The key to setting an intention is to be clear about what you want and to focus your thoughts and energy on achieving it.
No matter how you choose to set your Intention, the important thing is that you do it in a way that works for you. There is no right or wrong way to set intentions. The most important thing is that you are setting your Intention and taking action toward achieving it.
So really, to live with Intention means you create a plan to do things with purpose.
“Make your intentions clear. The universe does not respond well to uncertainty.” ~ Joe Duncan
I started focusing on developing some practices with things that I could reach for that would make me feel better. Approximately four years ago, I came upon an article about Living Intentionally. I decided it might help if I set up a plan and began to write a simple Positive Intention each month.
Set An Intention For The DAY!
Several years ago, I felt overwhelmed and needed a new approach to life. I have three kids, and a dog, so life was a little chaotic. My morning routine was okay, but our beds weren’t made most days, the laundry lay in piles, usually folded but not put away, and my house felt unorganized.
Most of all, preparation at dinner time was always extremely overwhelming for me. I really needed help.
One day I had heard about Setting Intentions so I decided to give it a try. Every morning, before the chaos began, I closed my eyes and set an intention for the day ahead. It could be something small like folding all the laundry or something bigger like finding joy in each moment with my kids.
At first, there wasn’t much improvement, but then slowly, things started changing for the better. My days became more focused as I stuck to my intentions, and eventually, even though it took some time, everything began falling into place. The beds were made every morning, and our clothes were neatly put away rather than thrown on chairs or left lying around on the floor!
My house also felt calmer now that we all had clarity of purpose throughout our daily routine . It was amazing how such a simple practice really helped us stay organized. Even when times got tough again, having that clear focus kept me grounded.
Setting an intention every day not only did it help keep our home tidy but also brought peace into our lives, which is invaluable!
Now I am Setting an Intention every day. And it worked to help put my life back together and assist in the growth of my daily chores.
If you feel like this, don’t worry, I can help! Download My Intention Calendar, and with only one single Intention each week, you will change your life. You can do this. It only takes one Intention to change your month.
What Is The Best Process To Set Intention?
To help your Intention manifest faster, focus on positive and uplifting desires. Writing the Intention in present tense can be powerful, as if it’s already happening now! Little by little, working each month setting intentional habits will lead you closer towards achieving lasting change. You are creating a whole ‘new you’, one day at a tim. Believe that with dedication and patience anything is possible!
If you are interested in Starting a Plan of Healthy Habits for 2023, Sign up and Download your free Intention Calendar here.
Make A Plan With An Intention Calendar.
- Wake up with your Intention written beside your bed. Read it out loud 10 times with a smile on your face.
2. Get a daily planner or download my Intention calendar and write it down every day.
3. Set your Intention on your bulletin board or mirror so you can see it every day.
4. Put a reminder on your phone or computer with your Intention.
5. Leave sticky notes in your office or home on the refrigerator to remind you of your Intention.
Set some Intentions to keep you accountable and put them in your calendar each month.
What is an Intention Calendar?
An Intention calendar is a place where you write down your Plans and Intentions for each month.
One way to set an intention is to write it down on a piece of paper or in a journal. Include as many details as possible about what you want to achieve, and then read your Intention aloud each day.
Another way to set an intention is to create a vision board, a collage of images representing your goal.
You can also use affirmations, which are positive statements about what you want to achieve, such as “I am happy and healthy” or “I am attracting abundance into my life.” By regularly focusing your thoughts on your desired outcome, you will begin to see signs and synchronicities that will help you manifest your Intention.
Trust that the universe is working in your favour, and have faith that your Intention will come to fruition.
Live with Intention Every Day of the Year!