Be happier with an Intention Setting Worksheet to use daily and make your 2024 year the best! Intention Setting will help you improve the way you live your life.
For a long time, I was living on autopilot, just doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing to get by. I had all the aspirations, but I didn’t believe in myself.
One day I stumbled upon Living with Intention and thought it sounded interesting. I did a lot of research and read tons of books and found out that it made the people practicing Intention feel better. Their lives seemed happier, and they had more fulfillment and success.
What Does “Set Your Intentions” Mean?
Setting an intention means changing from the state you are presently living in, which is most likely upsetting and discontented, to a more fulfilling place. Maybe you are conforming to what others want for you. Or doing just what you need to get by because you don’t believe in yourself? Whatever the reason, you can find a better place by practicing setting intentions. It means turning off the news, letting go of all the bad thoughts that may be running around your mind, and grabbing hold of the best things that will make you happy.
In May 2021, amidst a pandemic, I found myself slowly emerging from a state of stagnation, largely due to my commitment to setting intentions. Despite the challenging circumstances, I began to experience a greater sense of happiness. What brought about this positive change? It was the practice of introducing one new intention into my life every month. I made a conscious effort to focus on each intention three times a day, emphasizing its importance in my daily routine. By shifting my attention away from what I disliked and instead focusing on its positive counterpart, I was able to cultivate a more optimistic outlook. Discovering how to enhance my well-being through intention setting, I encouraged others to explore this practice as well. By reflecting on what brings joy and fulfillment, and identifying what no longer serves us, we can take meaningful steps towards a happier life.
How Do You Manifest with Intentions?
Some good intentions are those that relate closely to what you want and make you happier in your life. Ask yourself this question: What do I want to see in my life? Once you decide what it is, think about what you need to change to achieve this. Change can be challenging, but if you approach it by making small changes, it is far less impacting and happens gradually.
My intention for today is to experience greater levels of fun and happiness.
When Do I Set My Intentions?
Every morning, I write that down on a piece of paper. I carry that piece of paper in my pocket or purse all day long.
At lunchtime, I go over it and say it out loud. If I have an opportunity to write it down, I do this. Then mid-afternoon, I look at it again, and at suppertime, I’ll go over it and write it down again. By bedtime, I say it before I go to sleep, and I write it down again.
I suggest writing your intention down 5 to 10 times throughout the day so that it sticks in your mind. Eventually, after a few weeks, that phrase is built into your habits, and before you know it, you feel different. Something has changed, and you feel better. If you look back at your month, it was much more successful than the previous month. That is the power of intentions and how to manifest them in your life.
What Are Some Good Intentions To Set?
I intend to:
- Tap into my creative side, working from a non-stressful place.
- Forgive myself and others.
- Love and see the souls in everyone.
- Stop taking people so seriously and taking them personally.
- Know my value in the world.
- See my prosperity and abundance, trust my intuition, and know that it is reliable.
- Feel the freedom of life.
- Focus on better foods for my body and have good health.
- Live a life of freedom.
- Be kinder.
- Listen better.
To make change happen, you need to invest a little time; as always, your heart has to be in it. Your best opportunity is to set an intention at the beginning of the month. That way, you feel like it is a fresh new challenge for the month but, at the same time, something you practice going over every day at least three times. You can incorporate an Intention Calendar to keep you accountable every month.
It is equally important to write down what you want in your intention, which allows you to look back to see your progress each day.
Writing down your intentions is extremely powerful for you! The process of writing it down keeps you out of that negative space and holds you in more satisfying energy!
Worksheets can help you manifest your intentions and make them more tangible for you. If you feel this might work for you, download my free Intention Setting Worksheets.
How Do You Set A Powerful Intention?
Consequently, to set an intention that you are passionate about and are excited to get started, there are many different things to make this happen. Some look to intention stones or have an actual ritual. You can do it.
There are many ways in which you can set intentions for the day. One of the most effective ways I find is using aromatherapy. Aromatherapy could be with candles, incense, essential oils, or fresh-cut flowers in a bowl.
When going over your intention, emotions, and feelings play an essential role in manifesting what you want in your life. If you want to enhance your daily intentions, creating a purified space often helps you authenticate your intention.
Although finding this space may be a little bit of a challenge. Although the bathroom could be an appropriate place for you if you have an active house.
Where Can I Set My Intentions?
A quiet place in the park or the woods under a tree is an excellent outdoor place. On a sandy beach or sitting by the water connecting to the earth are great places too.
You feel better when you feel calm and sense your surroundings as safe. Your sense of smell is probably something you take for granted, and you don’t spend much time thinking about it when you spritz perfume on in the morning or light an aromatic candle, something about all that makes us feel better.
If you pass a fresh garden on a walk, it can change how you feel.
All these scents interact with our emotions and well-being. Above all, unique scents activate your brain’s emotion and memory centers differently, creating a different feeling. So stopping and smelling the roses is very underrated.
To manifest peace and calm in your life, chamomile or lavender scents have relaxing and stress-reducing properties.
For grounding, try eucalyptus, patchouli, or sandalwood. Many fragrances have a cleansing effect and help you focus on connecting to your center.
For a boost of energy, try peppermint or grapefruit. These scents naturally stimulate the mind and can increase mental alertness.
How Do You Set 2024 Intentions?
At the beginning of each year, you often feel this sense of, ‘What can I do differently this year to make it better than last year?‘ It just seems like a good time to erase the slate clean and start with a fresh, clean slate.
Some people do this with New Year’s resolutions, but I find Intention setting a much more effective way to improve my situation and introduce something new. You can learn something new when you incorporate Be Happier With An Intention Setting Worksheet Intention Setting Worksheets.
Nevertheless, every year around the first of December, I sit down and think about what I love in my life and make a list of what I don’t like. Going through the list, I find out how I can change everything I don’t like and write down what I can find to change it. The change may be small, but even small changes work to improve your situation.